One-liner symptoms: A 50 years old married female having right knee joint pain for 1 month. The patient is a known case of hepatitis C and was treated for it 10 years ago and later tested negative. Joint pain was gradual in onset, moderate to severe, relieved by NSAIDs and multivitamins, and not associated with fever or morning sickness. The pain is somewhat affecting daily life work. On examination, vitals are normal. There is no joint swelling or tenderness.
Joint pain
by Malik Muhammad Umer Draz
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One-liner symptoms: A 50 years old married female having right knee joint pain for 1 month. The patient is a known case of hepatitis C and was treated for it 10 years ago and later tested negative. Joint pain was gradual in onset, moderate to severe, relieved by NSAIDs and multivitamins, and not associated with fever or morning sickness. The pain is somewhat affecting daily life work. On examination, vitals are normal. There is no joint swelling or tenderness.
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